Wolfe Creek Crater National Park

The Wolfe Creek meteorite crater is the second largest crater in the world from which fragments of a meteorite have been collected. The crater is 880 m across and almost circular.

The Wolfe Creek meteorite crater was only discovered by Europeans during an aerial survey in 1947. However, it has long been known to Aboriginal people, who called it Kandimalal, and tell of two rainbow snakes who formed the nearby Sturt and Wolfe Creeks as they crossed the desert. The crater is believed to be the place where one of the snakes emerged from the ground.

Sightseeing, walking, photography and nature observation are the most popular activities. Viewing the crater rim is a must. Another spectacular way to view the crater is to take an aerial flight from Halls Creek. A camping area in the national park is free to visitors and includes cleared sites and toilets.

A 400m return walk to the top of the crater rim involves a steep rocky climb. Climbing down into the crater is not permitted because the steep terrain and loose rocks make it dangerous.

For more information, visit parks.dpaw.wa.gov.au/park/wolfe-creek-crater

Wolfe Creek Crater National Park